This is desuchan, an all-purpose imageboard for any topic. Feel free to post anything funny, and enjoy. Posts with spamlinks, double posts and spam will be removed without notice.Due to missuse for spaming, TOR is now entirely banned from desuchan. Sorry dudes!
Needs to teach desu
Welcome and behold my smokey lamp
>>2658Not only the CIA has.Everyone has a smart phone, an alexa, a smart TV, smart home, etc.All this devices have microphones, cameras, sensors to transmit telemetry home. And they are from different enterprises around the world.Be for sure that as well as the US government can surveillance you also the chinese and korean government can.
>>2658Not only the CIA has.Everyone has a smart phone, an alexa, a smart TV, smart home, etc.All this devices have microphones, cameras, sensors to transmit telemetry home. And they are from different enterprises around the world.
Be for sure that as well as the US government can surveillance you also the chinese and korean government can.
Merry Christmas
The CIA is telling people to hurt themselvesall over the world through little speakers in the walls...
The CIA bitch that talks to me through the speaker in the wall tries to tell me what to do with my hair and is trying to poison my mind...Luckily I am so spiritually advanced I don't kill myself
>>2677how into spirituality?
Harro Bernd
Heil KC
Is anyone still here?
neko wants sakana
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich loves this thread
Scarlet likes too
kon kon
Kurisumasu sureddo (Home-Alone-Edition)That feel when no nekomimi waifu, well I will have some KFC and drink until the day ends...
Kurisumasu sureddo (Home-Alone-Edition)
That feel when no nekomimi waifu, well I will have some KFC and drink until the day ends...
Wow man you are lucky to have a waifu...I always wanted Rukia Kuchiki...She probably has a boyfriend though...
aww naaaaww this website fr aint the rizzler ait im out
you have to OCB
Rizla is my Jewish girlfriends name
Rizla is so badass bro lol
>it's tranny larpsite
still ppl there ?
few but still
>>2617I I used to mod on here years ago....
only desumoedon
where did the nyan nyan nyan go
Years ago I used to mod this site the owner/admin helped me install gentoo on my computer I was like 17 im 24 now is the owner /admin the same? Bless
>>2131Same there are sages from 2008
OP is 30 now! yay! a 30 year old virgin! OP is a true wizard! ^_^one of us haha! one of us!!
OP is 30 now! yay! a 30 year old virgin! OP is a true wizard! ^_^
one of us haha! one of us!!
>>260132 now and still a wizard dont you guys worry
Nunnbush shoes are in... skate shoes are out
>>2132 stop using haruhi she cant even read apple symbol from a mile away
~ desu 3.0.8 ~